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What are the advantages of inorganic coatings?

Author:天空     Time:2023-03-31 17:16:55    

1, acid and alkali resistance, mildew proof

Inorganic coatings can resist acid and alkali, especially for the exterior walls of buildings. They are not affected by natural weather, industrial pollutants and automobile exhaust fumes. They can kill fungi and moss spores, algae bacteria cannot grow, and do not accumulate dirt by electrostatic attraction. Inorganic coating has the essence of inorganic matter, it does not contain chemical raw materials or solvents, during the production and application period, odorless characteristics, products with water as the dispersion medium, conducive to the protection of ecological environment, the environment and health have no impact.

Inorganic coating has the characteristics of strong alkali, antibacterial and mildew resistant to the home wall, the rate of E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, white and other strains of bacteria reached 99.99%, antibacterial visible, the use of inorganic coating can effectively isolate the outside of the virus, but also by hospitals, schools, airports and other places with a large population of favor, is the home guard, better protect everyone's health.

2, strong adhesion, lasting color does not fade

Inorganic coating has the characteristics of alkali, more suitable for the same alkaline cement and lime sand base coating, it and the lime in the substrate chemical reaction to generate calcium silicate crystals, penetration and mineral wall (containing limestone cover) chemical combination can form a body and the base, strong penetration bonding. Moreover, it has the same expansion and contraction coefficient with mineral wall, so it can avoid chapping caused by heat. From the point of view of building physics, it is an ideal architectural decoration coating.

Inorganic coatings are based on nature, as natural raw materials, inorganic coatings stable performance, will not occur chemical reactions, so will not volatilize toxic gases, home protection is better. Inorganic coating after special oxidation modification treatment, it can prevent the radiation of the child shape, and for the natural pigment, and after special oxidation modification treatment, the color has a unique weatherability, so the paint color lasting and colorless.

3, water resistant and breathable, self-cleaning anti-fouling and fresh

Inorganic coating has water resistance and strong respiration, similar to human skin, water can not then sweat can be discharged, so that the water inside the building wall naturally evaporates outward, keep dry. There is no static electricity to attract dust and accumulate into dirt, so the wall will not hang ash, forming the effect of "automatic surface cleaning", with self-cleaning anti-fouling. At the same time, it has the filtration effect of alkali substances, which can prevent the coating from bubbles, heat burst and flake and spalling and alkali pollution after construction.

4, health and environmental protection, no need to stand to remove formaldehyde

Inorganic coatings based on nature, such as silica sol, silicate and other coating base material, its main raw materials from the mineral, rich in natural substances, the production of inorganic coatings without odor, no pigment, environmentally friendly and harmless to human health, construction of the wall only water as a dispersant, the real realization of the day brushing, day occupancy, It is no longer the age of "ventilation to remove formaldehyde", especially in hospitals and subway airports, which can be delivered after completion. The construction period of the project has also reduced a lot of costs and time, and the human and material resources have been greatly improved.

5, A1 grade fire prevention, weather resistant white fading

Inorganic coating because of the characteristics of inorganic substances, its temperature resistance is particularly good, not only in the high temperature of 1200℃ will not burn, but also flame retardant, can prevent casualties and wall itself damage.

The weatherability of inorganic coating makes the exterior wall not affected by natural environmental factors, even if the perennial wind and rain, snow and frost damage, but the inorganic coating itself has the characteristics of strong alkali, well avoid the exterior wall moss, white, fading, accumulation of dirt to fall off and other phenomena, so inorganic coating is also a good choice in the exterior wall decoration materials.

6, can be dark and light free color, 256 colors optional

In the aspect of architectural decoration, especially the interior wall decoration, there are great requirements on color, bright color, dark and light, different people have different needs, and inorganic coating can achieve 256 colors, color can be freely mixed, to achieve the needs of different people.

7, gloss on the need to achieve light

Inorganic coatings not only achieve the needs of home decoration, but also have great advantages in tooling. For example, in the tunnel, the early stage is latex paint, and then it is the transition to fluorescent or light storage fire retardant coating.

Inorganic coatings in summary of the 6 points of functional advantages, but also do light, also break the traditional inorganic coatings only matte limitations, the unique light function of antifouling and antistatic, generally as long as the coating to achieve light, can reflect light in the tunnel, when there is a simple light source next to the tunnel, there is enough light in the tunnel running to achieve good effect guo Guo.

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