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Inorganic coating industry opens a new chapter

Author:     Time:2023-03-31 17:22:41    

In recent years, the domestic construction engineering market for building fireproof, non-combustible coating mandatory requirements, as well as the home improvement market for environmental protection of interior wall coating demand, inorganic coating began to attract attention.

Coating enterprises on the market have developed more cost-effective, more suitable for domestic engineering construction inorganic coating products. Therefore, the application scope becomes very wide, not only can be used for home decoration and renovation, more suitable for crowded airports, high-speed railway stations, subways, highway tunnels, high-rise buildings, hotel residences, exhibition centers, schools, hospitals, libraries, museums, office buildings, shopping malls, underground parking lots and other important engineering construction field places.

With the popularity of inorganic coating in recent years, it will be used in more projects, not only internal wall engineering or external wall engineering. So, why inorganic coatings can be favored by engineering projects?


01 What is inorganic coating

Inorganic coatings are coatings with inorganic materials as the main film forming substances. The commonly used coatings in construction engineering are aqueous solution of alkali silicate and aqueous dispersion of colloidal silica. Silicate and silica sol (colloidal silica) inorganic coatings can be made with the above two kinds of film forming materials.

1. Coating with inorganic material as the main film forming substance. The commonly used coatings in construction engineering are aqueous solution of alkali silicate and aqueous dispersion of colloidal silica. With the above two kinds of film, can be made of silicate and silica sol (colloidal silica) inorganic coating, then add pigments, fillers and various additives, can be made of silicate and silica sol (colloidal silica) inorganic coating, has good water resistance, alkali resistance, pollution resistance, gas resistance.

2, inorganic coating is composed of inorganic polymer and dispersed activated metal, metal oxide nanomaterials, rare earth ultramicro powder composed of inorganic polymer coating, can react quickly with iron atoms on the surface of steel structure, generating a physical and chemical dual protective effect, through chemical bonding with the substrate firmly bonded inorganic polymer coating, no pollution to the environment, long service life, Anti-corrosion performance has reached the international advanced level, is in line with the requirements of environmental protection of high-tech replacement products.

3, inorganic polymer anticorrosive coating is to meet the special requirements of aerospace, military and other fields and research and development of high-tech products, products have been successfully applied in the field of aerospace, military and gradually promoted to all sectors of the national economy. Now this new type of inorganic polymer anticorrosive coating has become the most common protection of steel, the most important coating. Inorganic polymer anticorrosive coatings in the atmosphere, underground, Marine, chemical materials, petroleum and petrochemical liquids, sewage applications in the field of important anticorrosive almost no competitors.

02 Development history of inorganic coatings

In fact, inorganic coatings have a long history. As early as thousands of years ago, people in western China used it for painting and architectural decoration. It is still well preserved today.

In 1768, the German poet and playwright J.W. Goethe discovered through experiments that when pure quartz is dissolved in the right amount of a strong base, you can get a transparent silicate liquid called sodium silicate, which is the main raw material of silicon paint.

Later, the German scientist Keim will water glass (potassium silicate) and inorganic pigment mixed together, successfully produced a coating, can penetrate into the mineral base interior, and its surface synthesis, not only can beautify the building, but also super protective force, can improve the life of the building, this is the most original inorganic silicate mineral coating.

After the industrial production of inorganic silicate mineral coatings, it was patented by King Ludwig I of Germany in 1878. Several classical buildings in Trausz, Germany, and Switzerland have been painted with mineral paint on their exterior walls, which is still as bright as new after more than 100 years of age. The color retention and weather resistance of inorganic mineral coatings can be seen.

Inorganic coatings can be said to originate in China, prevailing in Europe, more widely used in Europe has been nearly 140 years of history, according to statistics, inorganic coatings in Europe now accounts for about 15~20% of the architectural coatings market. Today, the White House of the United States, Britain's Buckingham Palace are using inorganic paint.

03 Advantages of inorganic coatings

1, fire retardant more safe

Engineering construction has certain requirements on fire prevention (in 2018, the Ministry of Urban and Rural Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Quality Inspection Bureau jointly issued the "Code for Fire Prevention Design of Interior Decoration of Buildings"), and the inorganic coating has A1 fire performance, even at 1200℃ will not peel, melt and burn, not to say smoke, even if there is an accident, will not play a role in "promoting". Better protection and reduction of casualties! More and more engineering projects (such as residential buildings, airports, stations, office buildings, hospitals, schools, etc.) are using inorganic coatings, fire will be greatly reduced.

2, no aldehyde, no benzene and no poison

The number of cases caused by indoor air pollution in China every year is alarming. In recent years, decoration pollution caused by illness, life-threatening cases are common. My home decoration materials for many years of attention and increasingly standardized development, coating industry standards, standardized responsible brand pollution relatively in the controllable range, but if you want to achieve real environmental protection and pollution-free, also have to look at inorganic coatings.

3. Search for natural ore

Nowadays, most of the decoration is more luxurious and complex, and the wall has become the worst disaster area of light pollution. Especially the traditional latex paint, it is easy to form light reflection on the wall, long-term, easy to affect the vision. Inorganic coating as a natural mineral coating, soft color, stronger color retention, wall is not easy to fade, as new, stand the test of time

4, antibacterial and mildew resistant to scrub

According to relevant data, the density of pathogens in the air and walls of living rooms, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, hotels and other places is much higher than that of outdoor places, if not effectively controlled, it is easy to cause a wide range of cross infection. Inorganic coatings have the characteristics of inorganic substances, and itself is alkaline, do not need to rely on mildew or preservatives to resist mold and moss breeding, to achieve natural moisture-proof, mildew proof effect.

04 inorganic coating selection matters needing attention

1. Environmental protection. The first consideration is to choose the environmental protection of inorganic latex paint. In most cases, the outer package of latex paint will indicate the name of the product, the ingredients, the use method and precautions, the environmental protection mark and the quality certification standard. Absolutely indispensable. Many people only look at shelf life when they buy food. They don't know that latex paint also has its own shelf life, usually 1 to 5 years. Always pay attention to details when buying to ensure a safe living environment.

2. Color selection. For many families, it will also choose to have inorganic color latex paint, this time we must pay attention to, we see the color of latex paint and the final wall effect will be different, this is because the relative color card in the wall area, the wall area will be much larger, so the visual stimulation will be more obvious, the color will form mutual reflection on the surrounding wall, so the color will be intensified. Therefore, it is usually recommended to choose a color that is slightly brighter than expected on the color card to ensure that it does not look too dark behind the wall.

In recent years, China has been committed to both economic development and ecological civilization. Environmental protection policies have been tightened. Through strict implementation of China's environmental protection standards, we guide and encourage enterprises to eliminate outdated technologies and production capacity, achieve cleaner production and meet emission standards, and strive to win the battle of blue sky! As the government attaches great importance to and strongly supports the cause of environmental protection, the problem of environmental pollution has been improved, and the concept of "green mountains are gold hills" has become popular!

In this context, the green paint market is expanding rapidly, the emergence of inorganic paint is the green policy under the social further requirements of the paint industry, it is also the people pay attention to health after the requirements of the home environment!

In the near future, we may be able to witness the construction of inorganic paint "environmental protection, green, safe, healthy" city.

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